What To Do If You’ve Been Exposed to COVID-19?

What To Do If You’ve Been Exposed to COVID-19?

Many organizations, including schools and factories, have started resuming operations across the US. Despite the vaccinations being rolled out, it’s still essential to ensure necessary precautions.

People need to maintain social distancing, wear masks, and practice personal hygiene. These guidelines are primarily directed toward vulnerable seniors with weakened immune systems.

With vaccination drives are in full swing, there’s a lot of uncertainty. What is the efficacy of the vaccines? How long will it remain effective? Can I get COVID-19 after vaccination?

Here’s a guide to help you deal with the possibility of contracting COVID-19. If you think you’ve been exposed to the airborne disease, here’s what to do.

Know Your Risks

Stay up-to-date about your health. People with current or pre-existing medical conditions must stay vigilant. Attending public gatherings, shaking hands, not wearing a mask, and inadequate personal hygiene can be a recipe for disaster.

The risk of contracting the virus is very high for people above 50. However, this doesn’t mean youngsters are immune. Make sure you follow CDC instructions if you have diabetes, hypertension, asthma, PSTD, COPD, sinus issues, hypertension, cardiac problems, or a suppressed immune system.

Know Your Risks

COVID-19 is an RNA-based virus which is transmitted via air droplets. When you’re in close vicinity with an affected person, the virus can travel through the air and enter your body. It can also transmit via an infected surface. Touching your mouth, nose, or eyes after touching a possibly infected surface can lead to contraction.

You must determine whether you’ve been living, taking care, or working with someone who has COVID-19. Moreover, assess whether you had a direct interaction like sharing a water bottle, shaking hands, kissing, or hugging with them. This would help you determine if you might’ve contracted COVID-19.

Exposed But No Symptoms

Asymptomatic cases are a pressing challenge for healthcare communities. Doctors and medical workers are continuously telling people to stay home and practice social distancing. However, they’re unable to detect asymptomatic cases.

When an infected person doesn’t show any symptoms, they’re likely go about their everyday activities. This may include attending school, workplace, eating at a restaurant, etc. This increases the chances of rapid virus transmission.

Getting tested is the most efficient way to know whether you have COVID-19. Moreover, continue to practice the public health guidelines. Monitor your symptoms throughout the 14-day incubation period.

Reliable Same Day and Next Day PCR Tests in Miami

Good Hearts Testing is a professional and reliable COVID-19 testing service provider in Miami. Order an at-home COVID-19 PCR testing service from Good Hearts Testing.

Avail antigen, PCR or antibody testing as we offer easy and fast COVID testing. We provide a variety of services, including at home COVID tests, group testing, production testing and in studio testing.

Find quick, reliable and easy COVID testing, with results provided on the same day for your convenience.

Get in touch with them to learn more.

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